allendale michigan

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Providing Comprehensive Smile Solutions for the Whole Family

At Blue Bridge Dental, we offer a range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services to keep you smiling your best. We are also trained to administer Botox and dermal fillers for various purposes in the orofacial region. Dentists are exceptionally qualified to administer cosmetic injectables due to their extensive knowledge of facial anatomy, deep understanding of systemic health, and vast experience with dental anesthetics.

allendale michigan

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Providing Comprehensive Smile Solutions for the Whole Family

At Blue Bridge Dental, we offer a range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services to keep you smiling your best. We are also trained to administer Botox and dermal fillers for various purposes in the orofacial region. Dentists are exceptionally qualified to administer cosmetic injectables due to their extensive knowledge of facial anatomy, deep understanding of systemic health, and vast experience with dental anesthetics.

Dental Crowns - An Overview

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover teeth, restoring their natural appearance and function and providing long-term protection from cracks and fractures. At Blue Bridge Dental, we offer best-in-line dental crown materials, including zirconia and E-max. Our custom restorations are matched to your natural tooth structure with exceptional results.

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover the visible portions of damaged teeth, restoring their natural appearance and function. At Blue Bridge Dental, we offer best-in-line dental crown materials, including zirconia and E-max. Our custom restorations are matched to your natural tooth structure with exceptional results. 

  • Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia crowns are created from a powdered ceramic material known as zirconium dioxide. They are incredibly durable and are effortlessly color and texture matched to the surrounding teeth.
  • E-Max Crowns: These modern crowns are created from a highly durable and aesthetic material known as lithium disilicate. They deliver results closely resembling your natural teeth, restoring your healthy, beautiful, and functional smile.

Why Would You Require a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are versatile restorations with numerous applications. We may recommend a crown to restore a damaged, weak, or fractured tooth or to repair a severely decayed tooth that can’t be restored using a dental filling. Crowns can also improve the health and appearance of worn-down teeth, close gaps and uneven space between teeth, strengthen teeth after root canal therapy, and replace missing teeth by covering dental implants or supporting dental bridges.

Aside from restoring damaged or missing teeth, dental crowns can serve a cosmetic dentistry purpose. The incredibly natural-looking restorations can correct the color, size, shape, or appearance of teeth, delivering beautiful, healthy smiles.

Dental Bridges - An Overview

Dental bridges offer an excellent tooth replacement solution if you are missing one or more teeth in a row. They come with prosthetic teeth secured to crowns placed on natural teeth on either side of the gap. Your new restoration will closely match your natural teeth, enhancing your oral health and the appearance of your smile.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Leaving a gap in your smile can cause the adjacent teeth to shift out of alignment, leading to various oral health concerns. Dental bridges maintain the space left by missing teeth and redistribute the forces of your bite, reducing your risk of localized bone loss and TMJ problems. Your new replacement teeth will support your facial structure, restore your ability to speak with clarity, allow you to enjoy your favorite foods, and have you smiling with confidence again!

What is the Crown or Bridge Procedure?

At Blue Bridge Dental, we create dental crowns and bridges made to fit your smile. We will start by preparing one or more of your teeth by shaping them to accommodate your restoration. Next, we will take images and precise digital impressions of your mouth that our dental laboratory will use to create your new crown or bridge that is customized for you. In the meantime, we will place a temporary restoration until your final crown or bridge is ready for placement.

Dental Crowns and Bridges Near Me in Allendale, MI

If you have damaged or missing teeth and want to learn more about our state-of-the-art dental crowns and bridges, contact Blue Bridge Dental for a consultation. Our dedicated team is committed to providing quality, durable restorations for long-term healthy smiles. Call our dental office at 616-217-3992 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!